69100 Villeurbanne
69100 Villeurbanne
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This work of deceleration, applied to architecture, reciprocally allows us to move from a time of action to a time of contemplation. Indeed, by ensuring that a so-called decelerating architecture is produced, the architect strives to promote natural and cyclical time. This desire to express a longer temporality makes it possible to reconnect projects to their users, to the climate and to the environment. This architecture, then more alive, will connect us to natural time and therefore to the present moment. These two opposing notions must coexist in the same project. One values the other. For the architect, it is this duality which can be a shield against the homogeneity, standardization and obsolescence of projects. The objective of an architect's practice is to concentrate above all on creating an architecture where these moments of action and contemplation coexist? This is a path that the architect hopes to bring to fruition by focusing on the different variations of deceleration in architecture.
The architect masters different scales and approaches. He knows how to work on what already exists by seeking to enhance it and reconnect it to contemporary style.
From the micro to the macro-scale he tries to never stray from the main idea of the project. This idea which gives meaning to each drawing line.
The architect learns to design with the data of time before that of space. Indeed, anticipations in the programming phase, with a strong valuation of uses, make it possible to make significant project savings. Multidisciplinary collaborations and the mobilization of design tools in the form of a pre-prototype end up creating virtuous buildings. Finally, maintaining an artisanal posture during the construction phase will affirm this quest to extend the life cycle of our constructions. These will therefore take place over a longer period of time.
In other words, the architect attempts to demonstrate that the different forms of deceleration have the capacity to increase the lifespan of our architectures while minimizing their impact on the environment.
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