and make an appointment immediately !

Take advantage of the largest free directory of architects in France with more than 30 architects available in the region Aquitaine for your project.

Are you looking for an architect in Nouvelle-aquitaine for your construction, renovation or conversion project ?

Find the best architect near you

We are able to carry out all your projects from €100,000 to €2,000,000 of work.

Single-Family Homes
Historical / Listed Buildings
Feasibility Studies
+ 28

Response under 24 hour

The Atelier DBA is an architectural agency focused on various projects, but nourished by the singular vision of its director, Damien Biancuzzi. A restoration project, redevelopment, new construction, professional project? The team will do its utmost to meet your expectations!

Single-Family Homes
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
Landscape Architecture
+ 20

Response under 48 hour

Bordeaux architecture agency, we support our professional or individual clients in the Bordeaux metropolis and around the Arcachon basin. We will advise you and support you on all your projects. You have a project, we have ideas to share.

Single-Family Homes
New Build
Project Management
+ 12

Response under 72 hour

MARTINS ARCHITECTURE sees each project as an opportunity to experience a new adventure in architectural research, experimentation and encounters. It is important that its designs integrate an environmental approach to ensure the preservation of the environment for future generations.

Single-Family Homes
Passive House / Eco-friendly
Chalets / Wooden Houses
Country Homes
+ 24

Response under 72 hour

Romain Perdrix, Architect DE & HMONP, installed in Bordeaux since 2016, accompanies you in all your construction, extension and renovation projects.

Energy renovation
Vertical expension
+ 18

Response under 72 hour

Can't find an architect for your project?

We'll find one for you.

Based in the Bordeaux metropolis, the Anaïs Hubert Architecte agency is available to respond to various needs, both for new construction and renovation.

Single-Family Homes
Feasibility Studies
+ 15

Response under 72 hour

Agnès Malka-Barokel Architects offers you comprehensive expertise. These architects will listen to your needs and give you sound advice on how to bring your projects to life creatively and functionally.

Single-Family Homes
Public Access Buildings
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
+ 17

Response under 24 hour

[Aspaï] is a young architectural agency based in Bordeaux. She lays the first milestones in her architectural production, which she wishes to be rational in its uses, in the choice of its materials, and in its urban morphology.

Single-Family Homes
Interior Architecture & Design
Landscape Architecture
+ 23

Response under 24 hour

Graduated from ENSA Nantes in 2008, Caroline Guigné drew on the wealth of her experience in various experiences and several agencies in Canada and France to choose to establish herself as a freelancer in 2018 and establish herself in Gironde.

Single-Family Homes
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
+ 22

Response under 48 hour

Bema designs healthy, sustainable and inspiring living spaces with passion and rigor. Thanks to a unique participatory method and a committed environmental approach, we will explore the possibilities to build the project that meets your needs.

Single-Family Homes
New Build
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
+ 16

Response under 72 hour

Looking for an architect in a other region from the great region Nouvelle-aquitaine ?

Trouver mon Architecte

Find the right architect near you for your architecture project. On Trouver mon Architecteyou can filter results by, property type, type of work, or architectural style. All of our architects are registered with the French Ordre des architectes, in accordance with their charter.
It's never been easier to find the right architect located near you specialised in project. from design to construction. Discover architects' work, view their contact information and connect with them directly for project, all for free.