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Take advantage of the largest free directory of architects in France with more than 15 architects available in the region Basse Normandie for your project.

Are you looking for an architect in Normandie for your construction, renovation or conversion project ?

Find the best architect near you

With concern for architectural quality and simplicity, Charlotte Rattez designs straightforward, contemporary architecture firmly rooted in its context and time period. 

Single-Family Homes
Vertical expension
Building Upgrades
Feasibility Studies
+ 19

Response under 72 hour

Architecture and interior design agency Paris-Normandie Architecture aims to design unique projects in response to your needs and desires, while paying equal attention to comfort, functionality, aesthetics and budget .

Single-Family Homes
Public Access Buildings
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
+ 20

Response under 48 hour

The architectural agency, created by Justine Buisson and Clément Nouvel in 2022, has been based in Ouistreham since 2024. It works on various projects, both in renovation and new construction, and is attached to the history of the place and its occupants.

Single-Family Homes
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
+ 19

Response under 24 hour

DPLG architect, Vincent LEBEGUE develops and renovates existing homes while preserving the spirit of the place and integrating all the innovations necessary for the energy transition. He also designs new houses and creates extensions.

Single-Family Homes
New Build
+ 17

Response under 48 hour




Jeroen Manhave is a DPLG-qualified architect from the Netherlands. The architect then moved to France, and became specialised in the construction of timbered Norman houses, with a modern touch.

Single-Family Homes
Patios & Terraces
Landscape Architecture
Project Management
+ 18

Response under 24 hour

Can't find an architect for your project?

We'll find one for you.

Architect Julie Boinville will offer her responsiveness, analytic capabilities and ability to see the big picture to help you develop your projects. Her primary goal is to offer each client a unique design and well-thought-out construction that reflects your ideas and personality.

Single-Family Homes
Patios & Terraces
Building Upgrades
Feasibility Studies
+ 18

Response under 72 hour

Single-Family Homes
New Build
Feasibility Studies
+ 24

Xavier Perret redesigns and revives elements of the urban landscape. He sees his projects as a shared adventure, to be undertaken with everyone’s input.

Multi-unit Residential
Public Access Buildings
Historical / Listed Buildings
Single-Family Homes
Passive House / Eco-friendly
+ 13

Response under 72 hour

DPLG architect serving individuals but also professionals. Personalized approach for housing in all its forms but also for professional and public premises. From the feasibility study to site monitoring.

Single-Family Homes
Patios & Terraces
New Build
Energy renovation
+ 31

In the development of each project, Marine Fervel is motivated by her desire to achieve her full potential as an architect. She is ready to put her architectural skills, artistic spirit and creativity to work for you, to bring your vision to life for architectural or design projects of all kinds.

Single-Family Homes
Commercial - industrial
Hotels - Restaurants
Multi-unit Residential
Public Access Buildings
+ 6

Response under 72 hour

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