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Take advantage of the largest free directory of architects in France with more than 3 architects available in the region Bourgogne-Franche-Comté for your project.

Are you looking for an architect in France for your construction, renovation or conversion project ?

Find the best architect near you

Stéphane Coydon is an architect who promotes teamwork to make the most of each project, in particular thanks to the involvement of qualified partners who share his passion and architectural values.  

Multi-unit Residential
Single-Family Homes
Passive House / Eco-friendly
Chalets / Wooden Houses
+ 22

Response under 72 hour

Carbone 27 has designed energy-efficient buildings for many years, optimising the use of resources to achieve this goal through the choice of materials, methods of implementation and keeping a close eye throughout the work’s duration.

Single-Family Homes
Building Upgrades
Feasibility Studies
Project Management
+ 19

Response under 72 hour

Fleurie 69820

Albin VIÉ


Albin Vié, DPLG architect, is happy to accompany you for your new or rehabilitation projects, in the Beaujolais, Mâconnais and western Ain sectors! Individuals, this architect intervenes for interior or exterior redevelopment projects. Professionals, VA³ accompanies you for the creation of a winery, a hangar or a shop. The final word ? VA³ concretises your words in volume!

Single-Family Homes
Passive House / Eco-friendly
Country Homes
Multi-unit Residential
+ 18

Response under 72 hour

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It's never been easier to find the right architect located near you specialised in project. from design to construction. Discover architects' work, view their contact information and connect with them directly for project, all for free.