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Take advantage of the largest free directory of architects in France with more than 8 architects available in the region Auvergne for your project.

Are you looking for an architect in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes for your construction, renovation or conversion project ?

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Clermont-Ferrand 63100


SR Conception

A passionate architect, Sarah Robalo will be able to meet all your architectural desires. Working on different scales, this architect will be able to accompany you in the improvement of your current living spaces, but also in the design of your new projects.

Energy renovation
New Build
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
Landscape Architecture
+ 20

Response under 24 hour

Jony Coelho approaches each project with enthusiasm and originality. His goal is to take his clients' design ideas and make them a reality. He favours a relationship based on listening and understanding, and is able to identify the issues at stake and provide the right response to the technical, aesthetic and functional problems he encounters.

Single-Family Homes
Passive House / Eco-friendly
Country Homes
+ 12

Response under 24 hour

The ATELIER OVERWALL architecture agency supports individuals, professionals and communities in carrying out their project: construction, extension, rehabilitation and ensures all project management tasks from project design to receipt of works.

Single-Family Homes
Passive House / Eco-friendly
Chalets / Wooden Houses
Smart Homes
+ 28

Response under 72 hour

An architect for around 10 years, she specializes in wooden frames. Its achievements are located between Savoie and the Loire. His approach is reasoned. She works with individuals and professionals to create authentic projects.

Single-Family Homes
Historical / Listed Buildings
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
+ 26

Response under 48 hour

Chambost-Longessaigne 69770



Sophie listens to your expectations and needs and will be able to support you in your construction or renovation projects.

Single-Family Homes
Energy renovation
Feasibility Studies
Interior Architecture & Design
+ 16

Response under 72 hour

Can't find an architect for your project?

We'll find one for you.

An architect sensitive to environmental issues, Claire Viannenc likes to propose a sustainable and virtuous design that respects its environment and its users. Through an in-depth practice, this architect considers the future of construction methods.

New Build
Vertical expension
Patios & Terraces
+ 15

Response under 24 hour

Like the mischievous ALICE in Wonderland, I try to solve an unsolvable equation to make the little star that once shone in a corner of your mind emerge from the ground.

Energy renovation
Single-Family Homes
Historical / Listed Buildings
Feasibility Studies
+ 26

Response under 48 hour

Damien Couzin / Architect offers tailor-made support for all types of projects. Creativity, technical skills and attentiveness are at your service under different missions (Feasibility, design, site monitoring, etc.).

Single-Family Homes
Energy renovation
Vertical expension
+ 30

Response under 72 hour

Looking for an architect in a other region from the great region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes ?

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