FIND AN ARCHITECT in Joué-lès-Tours

and make an appointment immediately !

Benefit from the experience of more than 4 architects from the city Joué-lès-Tours to realise your dream's project.

Looking for an architect from the department Indre-et-Loire ? Get in touch with the professional you need.

Founded in 1996 by architect Emmanuel Gigon (DPLG), Acropole is an architecture firm that offers personalised services and consulting to their clients. The firm is specialised in the construction and redevelopment of industrial buildings, including those falling under the French ICPE classification (facilities classified under environmental protection).

Single-Family Homes
Passive House / Eco-friendly
Chalets / Wooden Houses
Country Homes
Commercial - industrial
+ 15

Response under 24 hour

L’atelier de rien du tout supports you on your project while paying attention to your comfort and the environmental impact that this inevitably induces...

Single-Family Homes
Passive House / Eco-friendly
Chalets / Wooden Houses
+ 10

Response in the hour

Find an architect in Joué-lès-Tours

Why should you hire an architect in Joué-lès-Tours?

There are many reasons to hire an architect. Here are some of them...
  1. The presence of an architect for your garden creation or elevation project is an important element in order to benefit from financing or a grant.
  3. With an architect, you benefit from a certain peace of mind regarding the expenses with regard to the extension of your house or the creation of a garden. His estimates are surely balanced to match your budget, on time.
  5. The architect's mission extends to the details. His attention is also focused on the finishes (the railing in particular).
  7. In contrast to the developer who has nothing but standard houses to propose, the architect thinks of an architectural solution that fits your project. Your house corresponds precisely to your requirements. The future buyer is immediately reassured.
  9. You have a singular project that satisfies your desires.
  11. The architect's mission is to provide clear and complete plans of the home that will be built. It also plays a role of advice concerning the choice of materials.
  13. Having the habit, the architect assists you in the administrative steps such as the deposit of a preliminary request or the study of the PLU (Local Plan of Urbanism).
  15. The intervention of the architect allows you to have at a good price the sustainable and ecological dwelling that you want.

The architect in Joué-lès-Tours is competent for all types of work

The architect is required for all types of property. He is competent for all types of work. Do you have a project that involves a wooden house, a townhouse, an apartment, a restaurant or even an agricultural building? Do not hesitate to rely on his know-how:
  • Standard setting: a construction standard is defined by different provisions established in order to ensure the quality of the buildings constructed. Construction standards provide safe information to professionals.
  • Renovation: regarding renovations, the skills of the architect are essential if there is a change of use of the premises. One thinks in particular of the transformation of a store into an apartment, etc., and this, without condition of surface. Other cases in which it is mandatory to call an architect: if your site is located in a classified area for example.
  • Transformation: talk about the transformation of a property, it is for example to expand your home. The presence of an architect is in this case mandatory.
  • Pool: the architect estimates the construction of your pool in a comprehensive way. He takes into account the area surrounding your future pool. He makes recommendations on the dimensions of the pool and by extension the creation of a pool house.
  • Rehabilitation: a rehabilitation is: to refurbish a building or premises by keeping the exterior appearance and redesigning the interior, remaining consistent with the architectural character of the building.

Jaunay-Marigny 86130



Atelier R2 is a multidisciplinary architectural agency working for individuals and professionals in various fields of housing, tertiary, medical, photovoltaic energy, etc.

Single-Family Homes
New Build
+ 16

Response under 24 hour

A passionate architect, Fanny Bonnaure is committed to offering you a personalized and qualitative architectural experience, placing your project at the heart of her concerns. Its added value? Piloting and managing your project!

Single-Family Homes
Multi-unit Residential
+ 6

Response under 72 hour